Vanishing Act (2013-14)
for violin, piano, and percussion
duration: 9 minutes
Percussion List:
Temple Blocks (5), Woodblock, Kick Drum (Pedal Bass Drum), Tam-Tam, Sizzle Cymbal, Suspended Cymbal, Triangle, Shaker, Tambourine, Metal Pipes (2), Brake Drum, Bell Tree, Bongos (2), Guiro, Cowbell, Agogo Bells (2), Vibraslap, Ratchet, Flexatone, Crotales (E, F#, B) unmounted, w/ water
Program Notes
When Aron asked me to write this trio for violin, piano, and percussion, I was surprised to find that there were hardly any works written for this combination of instruments. After all, there are so many works for violin and piano that it seemed natural to find works that would have a percussion part. However, upon listening Lou Harrison's Varied Trio (the seminal work for this instrumentation), I came to the realization that the piece was going to be defined by how chose to treat the percussion instruments. For Vanishing Act, I decided to actively avoid most pitched percussion, and turn the typical role of the percussionist (as the "colorist" of an ensemble) on its head and have her be the focal point for much of the piece. The violin and piano, in turn, often serve to "color" what the percussionist is doing through conventional and unconventional playing techniques. Despite the disparate timbres of the three instruments, the sonic interplay will often obscure where each sound is coming from.
The work was commissioned by the Varied Trio (Aron Kallay, Shalini Vijayan, and Yuri Inoo), who will give the first performance in Los Angeles on Febraury 8, 2014.